muted emotions

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

passion for fashion.

"for love of fashion and want to improve my image, i screw things up to make good impressions. it's not that i always want to catch up with the latest trend, my goal is just to look appropriate and fun. i want people to feel good when they're with me."

for me style is the way you manage yourself in outward appearance.
and fashion is how you bring out the beauty in the things you put together.

one step at a time.
sneakers. -are comfy. always for on the go. and sporty.

but i also look for foot-slips that can stand out.

the weather predicts what i wear on foot.

jeans were forbidden. [for religions sake.]
but i still wear them. [for comforts sake.]

since skirts were the only bottoms allowed.
i have tons of thems.of different sizes.
and styles.denim.satin.cotton.
and whatever!

blouses are appropriate to look at.
specially with skirts. that's why i still have them in my closet.

i love graphics.
graphic tees are always welcome in my closet.
i have tons of graphics tees. i collect them.
i can wear them with jeans.
or even with skirts. [depends on what skirt.]

watch me.
time has always something to do with me.
i wear watches wherever i go.

then that's it.

"fashion is how i show up myself.
my mood and emotions are interpreted by my style.
and that's how those things work on me.


what i'll always remember.

i'll always treasure our times together
the moments when you'd just sit beside me
and relay all that happened throughout your day
i'll remember the words you often say
and your touch i will never forget
how you hold my hand in the midst of a crowded world
how you touch my heart beneath all the barriers
and that you loved me
that i loved you..just because i wanted to
i'll remember the smiles and tears
i can't promise not to forget
but i promise to always remember.
